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Workshop - In-Person or Zoom

Free call to discuss: half, full or multiple day program options.

  • 2 hours 30 minutes
  • 500 US dollars
  • live or on Zoom

Service Description

List of Available Workshops Customized Workshops Available "Nervous System Activation and Regulation: The effect of depleting emotions on energy, health, satisfaction and science-based tools to re-SOURCE and reprogram interactions" - (Audience: Professional Groups including tailored version for Educators) "Shame Walls and More Helpful Interpersonal Conferences: Regulating the shame freeze and leveling the playing field" (Audience: Managers and tailored version for School Administrators) "The Importance of re-SOURCING in advance of Tough Times: What, Why, and How" (Audience: Everyone!) "Shadow, Shame and the Nervous System's Role in Breaking the Interpersonal Bridge and Hope" (Audience: Couples, Other Relationships) Content Menu: Nervous System - Understanding the protective role of the nervous system. - Looking at heart-brain communication and how depleting and renewing emotions contribute to burn out, negative health effects, and science-based regulation tools. - Understanding over-protective, less adaptive reactions and upgrading them. - Science-based techniques for regulation, resiliency and the ability to have choice over our interpretations and reactions to people and situations that activate us. Shadow - How bringing the shadow to consciousness allows integration and more choice-filled living. - Introduction to the shadow, golden shadow, persona, ego, masks and roles. - How stories and beliefs are formed and can be re-written. - The information in mirrors and projections. Shame - The purpose and physiological effect of shame to help de-shame and work with it. - Parts work and language to countershame and attend to old wound themes. - Understanding the importance of and building safe attachment and the importance of inter and intrapersonal bridge repair. - The value of ritual, imagination and nature's healing power. Individual and Ongoing Workshops Provided to: Santa Rosa School District Staff; Maria Carrillo High School Administrators, Teachers and Students; Roseland Boys and Girls Club/Roseland Middle School S, On the Borders - Hannah Boys Club, Youth re-SOURCING Resiliency workshops at Forget Me Not Farm.

Contact Details


Fremont, CA, USA

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