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Image by Evie S.

 Shame, Shadow and
re-SOURCING Resiliency

Individual Coaching and Workshops to Befriend Your Shadow and Heal Your Shame

Learning to listen with curiosity and compassion to the wisdom of our shame and shadow parts.

I work with individual clients and run custom-created workshops.

Image by Faye Cornish

Why do shadow and shame work as an individual or group?

When there is awareness, there is choice.

  • Healthy shame has a purpose.  It is how we learn societal rules and personal boundaries to stay safe and part of a greater community. 

  • Toxic shame creates overly critical and protective inner voices that rob us of an internal sense of security that then affects our relationships and experience of the world.

  • Parts of ourselves interpreted early messages of not being okay, or that we were too much, even too good or talented and became relegated to the unconscious, shadow realm.  Locked away, these parts clamor for our attention in maladaptive ways until they are given a seat at the table so they no longer have to scream and act out to be heard and integrated.

  • The power of shadow and specific shame work is to make the unconscious, conscious: to allow the childlike parts to feel heard and understood so they aren’t running the show from behind the curtain of consciousness.

  • Shame can be worked with and learned from.  We can own our part and recognize patterns, and we can give back shame that was not ours in the first place.  


Why participate in re-SOURCING Resiliency Workshops?

  • Self-care, compassion, and resiliency tools need to be practiced and internalized so they can be found more easily when we are in an under-resourced state.  Shame and shadow responses set off the nervous system.  We feel unsafe and unconsciously the fight, flight, freeze or fold responses are put into action. 

  • Understanding and developing habits of resiliency allows us to re-SOURCE our own inner calm and strength. This increases the ability to pause when triggered and choose a more adaptive, emotionally balanced reaction.   

Shame and Shadow Coaching
re-SOURCING Resiliency Workshops 

Services Available

Individual Shame and Shadow Coaching (Live or Zoom): 

  • Normalize shame and understand the role of shame and the unconscious shadow for us as an overprotective friend.

  • Develop a conscious relationship with the shadow including parts that want attention and integration.

  •  De-shame shame.

  •  Use of cognitive, interpersonal somatic, and imaginal tools to shift shame and give it back where it belongs.

  • Learn pendulation techniques to create safety and also the ability to grow capacity to be with discomfort.

  • Create reparative experiences and change old narratives and behaviors.

Workshop Components

Nervous System

  • Understanding the protective role of the nervous system.

  • Looking at heart-brain communication and how depleting and renewing emotions contribute to burn out, negative health effects,  and science-based regulation tools.  (HeartMath)

  • Understanding over-protective, less adaptive reactions and upgrading them.

  • Science-based techniques for regulation, resiliency and the ability to have choice over our interpretations and reactions to people and situations that activate us.


  • How bringing the shadow to consciousness allows integration and more choice-filled living.

  • Introduction to the shadow, golden shadow, persona, ego, masks and roles.

  • How stories and beliefs are formed and can be re-written.

  • The information in mirrors and projections.


  • The purpose and physiological effect of shame to help de-shame and work with it.

  • Parts work and language to countershame and attend to old wound themes.

  • Understanding the importance of and building safe attachment and the importance of inter and intrapersonal bridge repair.

  • The value of ritual, imagination, and nature's healing power.


  • Discovering the effectiveness of using ritual to bring together the physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional release or pulling in of energy through intention in practice​.​

Workshops Have Been Provided to:

  • Santa Rosa School District: Administrators, Teachers and Staff

  • Maria Carrillo High School: Administrators, Teachers, and Students

  • Boys and Girls Club of Marin: Roseland Middle School

  • On the Borders & Hannah Boys Center: at-risk high school students creating a suicide prevention program

  • Youth re-SOURCING Resiliency workshops at Forget Me Not Farm: various youth groups

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Training and Work Experience

Healing Shame Practioner

About Me

Shame Training

  • Healing Shame Practitioner - Center for Healing Shame

  • Workshop Coordinator - Center for Healing Shame 

Wilderness Walk Shadow Work Coach

Shadow Work

  • Wilderness Walk - Certified Shadow Coach 

  • Wilderness Walk Shadow Coaching Certification  Program - Mentor

  • Wilderness Walk - Peru - Master Walker

Related Training

  • Certified HeartMath Trainer 

  • Inner Relationship Focusing Practitioner

  • Peruvian-Andean Shaman - full mesa carrier

  • Equine Education + HeartMath Training 

  • Reiki Master

  • Retired High School English Teacher

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Image by Kawin Harasai

Start with one small action.  Reach out.


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